Agbohessou Y. Using UAV and geostatistics to upscale crop yield in heterogeneous agro-silvo-pastoral system. 23–27 May EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria; International.
Ba S. A. Monitoring soil greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in a Sahelian agro-silvo-pastoral parkland. , 23–27 May EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria; International.
Bazongo J-P. Contribution de Piliostigma reticulatum (dc.) Hochst. (caesalpinaceae) à la résilience des populations déplacées internes à Yilou dans la région du Centre-Nord du Burkina Faso. 27-28 Oct. journées de IRSAT/CNRST, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso; National.
Clermont-Dauphin C. Does the management of Faidherbia albida trees in Senegalese parklands affect their ecological services to improve millet sustainability? 17-20 juillet 5th Word Congress on Agroforestry. Québec, Canada; International.
Clermont-Dauphin C. Using the Regional Agronomic Diagnosis (RAD) approach for co-design innovative agroforestry systems with farmers: Case study of a Faidherbia albida parkland in Senegal. 30 Oct-3 Nov, 7th International Symposium for Farming System Design, Marrakech (Morocco) ;International.
Dao M.C.B. Fruit and tree characteristics of Vitellaria paradoxa under different geomorphomogical levels of the hill at Djuié, Burkina Faso, West Africa. 17-20 juillet 5th Word Congress on Agroforestry. Québec, Canada; International.
Diongue M.L Comparing the performances of Pedotransfer Functions with with inversely estimated soil hydraulic parameters in a deep cultivated Sahelian soil using HYDRUS 1D. 23–27 May EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria; International.
Do F. Faidherbia albida transpiration and canopy conductance in a reference agroforestry system of West Africa 5th Word Congress on Agroforestry. Québec, Canada. International.
Koala J. Distribution of root biomass Vitellaria paradoxa agroforestry parkland in the northern Sudanian zone of Burkina Faso. 17-20 juillet 5th Word Congress on Agroforestry. Québec, Canada; International.
Leroux L. How multifunctionnal are agroforestry parklands? A landscape scale assessment of multiple ecosystem services from a F. albida parkland in Senegal. 17-20 juillet 5th Word Congress on Agroforestry. Québec, Canada, International.
Ouoba H. Shea tree (Vitellaria paradoxa C. F. Gaertn) natural regenaration in Burkina Faso’s agroforestry parklands. 17-20 juillet 5th Word Congress on Agroforestry. Québec, Canada; International.
Roupsard O. Inverted phenology of Faidherbia albida paced with the dynamics of the water table. 17-20 juillet 5th Word Congress on Agroforestry. Québec, Canada; International.
Serpantié G. Ecosystem contributions of sudanian agroforestry parklands in their diversity. Scientific views vs. perceptions of local societies. 17-20 juillet 5th Word Congress on Agroforestry. Québec, Canada; International.
Zomboudré M. Quelle espèce agroforestière contribue le plus à la sécurité alimentaire en Afrique de l'Ouest? 29 March Journée des femmes scientifiques, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso; National.
Bidou J-E. Transformations du parc arborés en pays Sereer (Sénégal); Bi-regional (Africa-Europe).
Bidou J-E. Parc arboré et mutations sociales en pays Sereer (Sénégal) : une nouvelle gouvernance comme condition de la durabilité? National.
Clermont-Dauphin C. Services of Faidherbia albida tree for millet crops sustainability in Senegal: Spatial variability and practices effects. 23-26 nov., 3ème édition de la Conférence Intensification Durable (CID), Dakar, Sénégal; Bi-regional (Africa-Europe).
Diongue M.L. Estimation of soil hydraulic parameters from a transient water flow field experiment in an agroforestry system of Central Senegal. 23-26 nov., 3ème édition de la Conférence Intensification Durable (CID), Dakar, Sénégal; Bi-regional (Africa-Europe).
Maiga A.A. Ouagadougou univ. student; 2021, French; Les parcs arborés en zone dense Dagara : dynamiques et enjeux de restauration. 4 June, 1ère journée de la Coopération scientifique internationale, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso; Bi-regional (Africa-Europe).
Roupsard O. Faidherbia-Flux’: a long-term Collaborative Observatory on food security, GHG fluxes, ecosystem services, mitigation and adaptation in a semi-arid agro-silvo-pastoral ecosystem (groundnut basin in Niakhar/Sob, Senegal Video-Conference. AMMA-CATCH Scientific meeting 09-11 May 2022. Sete, France. Bi-regional (Africa-Europe).
Sarr M.S. Water uptake by Faidherbia albida A. Chev. in an agroforestry parkland in Senegal. 23-26 nov., 3ème édition de la Conférence Intensification Durable (CID), Dakar, Sénégal; Bi-regional (Africa-Europe).
Seghieri J. Roles of Agroforestry in sustainable intensification of small farMs and food SEcurity for SocIetIes in West Africa (RAMSES II). 30-31 mars Colloque Arbre, Bois, Forêt et Sociétés, ANR, Paris, France; National.
Serpantié G. IUne diversité d’états, pratiques et liens au parc arboré soudanien (Burkina Faso). 23-26 nov., 3ème édition de la Conférence Intensification Durable (CID), Dakar, Sénégal; International.µ
Roupsard O. More C uptake during the dry season? The case of a semi-arid agro-silvo-pastoral ecosystem dominated by Faidherbia albida, a tree with reverse phenology (Senegal). 3-8 May European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly, ; International;
Bastide B. Preservation of shea resource through the transfer of shea plant regeneration techniques to the female producers. 20-22 May, 4rth World Congress on Agroforestry. Montpellier, France; International.
Dao M. C. E. Climate change and shea tree: women's perceptions and impact on flowering and fruiting process in Burkina Faso. 20-22 May, 4rth World Congress on Agroforestry. Montpellier, France; International.
Devresse B. Agroforesterie et performances des exploitations agricoles familiales en Afrique de l'ouest. 20-22 May, 4rth World Congress on Agroforestry. Montpellier, France; International.
Douzet J.-M. Long-term Piliostigma reticulatum intercropping in the Sahel: Impact of the density of shrub on sorghum yield. 20-22 May, 4rth World Congress on Agroforestry. Montpellier, France; International.
Jahel C. Planting trees to increase food security? The case study of the groundnut basin of Senegal. 20-22 May, 4rth World Congress on Agroforestry. Montpellier, France; International.
Jourdan C. Effect of coppice management of shrubs associated with cereals on their root dynamics features in dry Western Africa. 20-22 May, 4rth World Congress on Agroforestry. Montpellier, France; International.
Koala J. Litterfall dynamics of agroforestry systems in parkland of the north Sudanian zone, Burkina Faso. 20-22 May, 4rth World Congress on Agroforestry. Montpellier, France; International.
Leroux L. Impacts of FMNR on the agricultural performance of smallholder farming systems at landscape scale in Senegal. 20-22 May, 4rth World Congress on Agroforestry. Montpellier, France; International.
Ndao B. A remote sensing based approach for optimizing sampling strategies in tree monitoring and agroforestry systems mapping. 20-22 May, 4rth World Congress on Agroforestry. Montpellier, France; International.
Ouoba Y.H. Comparison of five shea tree (Vitellaria paradoxa C. F. Gaertn.) regeneration techniques in Burkina Faso. 20-22 May, 4rth World Congress on Agroforestry. Montpellier, France; International.
Roupsard O. Faidherbia-Flux”: adapting crops to climate changes in a semi-arid agro-sylvo-pastoral open observatory (Senegal). 20-22 May, 4rth World Congress on Agroforestry. Montpellier, France; International.
Roupsard O. “Faidherbia-Flux”, an open observatory for GHG balance and C stocks in a semi-arid agro-sylvo-pastoral system (Senegal). 20-22 May, 4rth World Congress on Agroforestry. Montpellier, France ; Regional.
Sanogo D. Rehabilitating degraded lands in Groundnut basin of Senegal using Famers’ Managed Natural Regeneration ; International.
Seghieri J. Roles of agroforestry in sustainable intensification of small farms and food security for socIeties in West Africa; International.
Serpantié G. Comparing methods for detecting and mapping tree parkland dynamics on large areas in Burkina Faso; International.
30 partners, including 24 Ministries and Funding Agencies (Group of Funders) from 18 European and African countries decide to join their forces and funding to build an ERA-Net Cofund project with a financial support of the European Commission.
RAMSES II is one of the 27 projects selected by the Leap-Agri Group of Funders.